

What painful pleasure there is
in embracing you from afar

O detestable Love
That brings to me absence
and fills me with emptiness

And satisfies my heart with longing
(May 8, 2001)


dry ice

day grows sere 
eon grows serer still

dawn draws near
eschaton draws nearer still


Reaper Moon

That silly silent moon slowly ascends, a buttery balloon 
Its bright mellow gleam splinters my watery eyes 
Its beam like a spider-spun silvery string 
Chaining my soul to its glimmering golden bowl.
The moon is mine 
mine alone, as long as I linger in its thrall 
it breathes its clay-cold life into me alone 
and all the wide world evaporates into blind oblivion.
I am knighted, crowned, exalted, sanctified
Purified in its frosty furnace-font.
Thus emblazoned I reign over a world of one
me and my benighted moon —
La luna sordomuda mia
— that pale-haloed harbinger of monotone doom.


Behold the willows watered by thy wandering soul —
Yes, the very willows whereupon I have hung my heavy heart.
Lo, how they weep!
Oh, how wondrously wise. 


This moment

This hour, we forgot all the world outside these walls
This minute, we lost all the layers of artifice and "civilization"
This moment, we rediscovered the primeval cosmic human deep within us
Ephemeral eternity
Space and time curving in upon itself
The confounding mysteries of creation
Made as plain as the pupils of your eyes

(Feb 27, 2016)


Layer upon mushy layer 
of sentiment, slowly accuming 
The cold dark depths of my
My shells of fear, falsilized
There they lie
Until the end of the age.
Orieginally bored, accidentally ostralized.
Ghast to the fore, wends
a homeless roamadic
Untaethered to the maternial world
A shovel of this mote, recoil
I lose the slippery bounds of worth
My widening ire spun to the
Deep blue wonder

(Aug 27, 2015)