- ... whereas my ancestors on my father's side were jimmy rustlers, outlaws of the worst sort.
- ...while the coffee machine pees slowly into my cup
- John Douglas Porter graduates Manga cum Laudanum
- John Douglas Porter wears the cone of shame.
- Who is Dawn, and why do people keep talking about her crack?
- John Douglas Porter is an amateur gymnologist.
- John Douglas Porter witnesses the somnolizing of the marriage.
- John Douglas Porter is not constrained to the brane.
- John Douglas Porter goes with the contraveigling wisdom.
- John Douglas Porter takes the 9:15 to Lower Barking.
- John Douglas Porter is sophomoric beyond his years.
- I rubber-band you here on earth; be rubber-banded in heaven!
- Do not speak to me of the pulpitudes. The pulpitudes can take a flying leap.
- Now, if this basketball is the sun, and this marble is the earth, you're totally high.
- You should see my six-pack glutes.
- John Douglas Porter is banging on all nine cylinders.
- John Douglas Porter has a badly inflected tongue
- Rama-lama king-kong
- John Douglas Porter - putting the angst in angstrom.
- John Douglas Porter - putting the Klaatu in nomenclature.
- Sleep, like happiness, is auto-elusive.
- Love is miraculin of the mind.
- Erzulie Pantokrantor
- John Douglas Porter - putting the reneg in renegotiate.
- "Every rule has exceptions" is a rule that has exceptions.
- feeling very harakirismatic today.
- It was a flaccident.
- Fairly barking pissed.
- Tarmac-n-cheese. My favorite!
- Eterna-quette
- I am my own worst prophet.
- Not suitable for use as a Standard Candle.
- The present is the catalysis from potentials to actuals.
- Calamities Into Stories (from Aristotleian Semiotics)
- I was ever so slightly mortified.
- Un grillon d'or rampant
- John Douglas Porter watches with fascination the tardigrade motion of the planets.
- I wonder if I'm ever in anyone's dream.
- I can hear your brain farting.
- John Douglas Porter is an inveterate pedestal-putter.
- Friends with Retirement Benefits
- I guess I'm now permanently weird about it.
- Yet another satisfied customer of the First National Bonk.
- John Douglas Porter stores his data in the Oort Cloud.
- Feeling kinda #278C00 today.
- John Douglas Porter takes Highway 1 to Johnsonville.
- John Douglas Porter lacks referential integrity.
- John Douglas Porter is coupled to the ether.
- Pretty sure John Douglas Porter was raised by wolves.
- Let's just throw up and start over.
- John Douglas Porter hops aboard a tramp steamer bound for Mandalay.
- People are gripped by my reprehensible tale.
- John Douglas Porter takes a ride on the Tilt-a-Hurl.
- John Douglas Porter goes into airplane mode.
- John Douglas Porter - putting the laughter in slaughter.
- John Douglas Porter finds himself in the paradoxical position of needing to care less, and be more caring.
- So, it seems I've got an immovable object. I'll see if I can summon up some irresistible force. ;-)
- My problem is that I let setbacks become sadness, and sadness become depression.
- I really need to stop exaggerating at every opportunity... Or it's going to get me killed.
- I admit that I don't really know anything. I am mostly incompetent. Pretty nearly a fraud, I guess.
- the katydids are in high rut tonight. somebody should tell them to knock off all that racket.
- They shall beat their swords into plowshares; they shall melt their bullets into radiation containment vessels.
- I'm living proof that optimism is essentially a kind of insanity.
- My mind feels like a loaf of sourdough rising in a coffee can.
- Her response to my holiday greeting, while cheerful, was carefully coded to ensure I not forget what ultimately came between us.
- The nine-year-old cabingirl onboard The Beagle refused to assist the old man in the preparation of the manuscript.
- Tengo dolor de calabeza.
- Origine inconnue
- John Douglas Porter has a certain joie de vision
- She played me like a banjo.
- John Douglas Porter utilizes Bleak Strategies.
- I want to send my friend an apology letter... but something about "Repent-o-gram" doesn't sound quite right.
- It wasn't awesome until you said it's awesome. Now it's awesome.
- John Douglas Porter turns on the re-skeever.
- Kowloon mind, Erebus soul.
- Every night, it's the same question: Chinee or Chaldee?
- John Douglas Porter hangs the mournaments
- We'll face unafraid the plasma we made
- Girl from Eponyma
- And He shall feed on His flocks like a leopard
- John Douglas Porter tries to catch up on the logbarkbog of the darkdogbark
- Follow the lines to the vanquishing point.
- All the makeup and all that bling... Honey, it ain't gonna change a god-damned thing.
- John Douglas Porter girds up the battle heffalumps.
- Begin self-distract sequence!
- The night unfurls before me like a highway
- The day spreads out before me like Arlington
- John Douglas Porter assumes the Asurasana
- Tonight, I declare fraternity with all the sentimental drunks throughout all the ages -- present, past... and future!
- Papier machete
- através, otravez
- ... for thereby some have entertained angels' underwears
- Teheran-o-saurus rex
- I can hear the old Key-tars playing on the beach at Honaunau
- Draw your own illusions.
- made a faux pas last night: I wore my white swan to a black swan event.
- ...et tibi Redditur votum in Hierusalem
- Gall-dang-it! Chia flavored? I thought it said chai flavored!
- Dammit, google! I said Marie Curie, not Mariah Carey!
- I'm ... gettin' up, so you better get the coffee started
- Niebelung to the light, Niebelung to the tundra
- Cutting off my nose to spite your face
- Les douleurs des heures heureux...
- roflllllleeuwentijn!
- I just found out the name of your dentist; You been lying through your teeth again
- John Douglas Porter is cast into the Gorge of Eternal #Perl.
- Pu-erh is Hunan...
- John Douglas Porter enjoys crispy pupitas with a rich tamarin sauce.
- ...et libera nos a malodorum
- A lovely stew of snowshoe crab and horseshoe hare
- Damn it to the limit!
- The heartbreak of houttuynia
- John Douglas Porter goes back to the well for the inspiration behind his new line of artesian cheeses.
- Why should I answer the telephone? It never answers me!
- Seductio ad absurdum
- John Douglas Porter discit de avibus et apibus
- John Douglas Porter is a hopsquatch champion
- Hollywood -- quo cuncta undique atrocia aut pudenda confluunt celebranturque.
- John Douglas Porter slips away under cover of clover.
- So I'll see you week midwochenensday.
- Every day is like a weird hybrid of the drudgery of Wednesday, and the emptiness of Saturday. A... Satnesday.
- Putting the apotheque in the zapotec.
- I speak of the palpatines of love
- Wie bébé ist fourmi? Wie dame tombler encuente?
- She Smells Estuary
- For star dust thou art; and unto star dust shalt thou return.
- John Douglas Porter feels the need to restore the balance in his aquarius humor and his vitriolic humor.
- Then shall sound the tumultimate chord
- John Douglas Porter cleans up on Isle 3.
- Thank you, Toblerone bar, For having bits of actual Matterhorn in every chocolatey chunk.
- John Douglas Porter floats down-scream
- Cat as Trophy
- Things could go horribly right...
- Willkommen in Krankreich
- John Douglas Porter grazes long into the abbess...
- Jonathan Richman was totally wrong about Pablo Picasso.
- We'll take the back roads and blue highways from Bleak to Dire.
- John Douglas Porter is nothing if not onionated and unspoken.
- John Douglas Porter is equinocturnal
- Let's wring out the old year together.
- John Douglas Porter moves a freight of phosphorus through the strait of Bosporus.
- You know, being an asp-viper is not nearly as uncool as it sounds.
- John Douglas Porter savors a tub of Flav-o-Rub
- John Douglas Porter has always depended on the strangeness of kinder.
- Alswang that Enswang
- John Douglas Porter heeds the galling.
- I enjoy people-watching at the shopping mall -- that turbid miasma of human sediment.
- Scheizophrenia :-(
- John Douglas Porter plans to be thrown clear.
- I try to make everybody's hay a little more cereal.
- To have all these things in core memory stored...
- Toxonomy is more geneal than oncology.
- You gotta walk before you can crawl.
- Two is company, three is a crowd.... four is an oven.
- What today is it?
- my life - a picture in durian gray.
- My Thutmose for His Thaïs
- John Douglas Porter gets involved in a land war in Asia
- John Douglas Porter goes onto Google+ to exercise his demons.
- Britons never, never, never shall be Slavs!
- Gone to Croatia
- Cooties to you on your outstanding achievement!
- No -- they're just skeebers; they're not able skeebers!
- U rang a tone
- She's a head haunter.
- You have until tomorrow to become a diamond. But hey -- no pressure.
- That's a tomorrow for another day.
- Remember you're dreams.
- Sweetbreads are neither.
- The Return to Stalagmite 13 is based on the life of John Douglas Porter
- John Douglas Porter suffers a stroke of midnight
- John Douglas Porter brews himself a nice big mug o' chamomilatonin.
- John Douglas Porter hears the ululululation of the belles, belles, belles, belles, belles, belles, belles
- 2013 was my 1929.
- John Douglas Porter pumps the "sod off" shotgun
- John Douglas Porter reigns for 14 sars and 3 ners.
- To put things in perspective ... The visible universe has a volume of only about half a million yotta-yotta-yotta-litres.
- John Douglas Porter begins work on his magnum opus -- his Dissociative Fugue in G minor
- John Douglas Porter obeys L'Hôpital's Rule
- John Douglas Porter ate a million donuts in a ouroborostrophedonic haze
- It appears we are a Pangaeatic Cancer.
- John Douglas Porter will a stately pleasure-dome decree, of clay and wattles made.
- John Douglas Porter follows the Queen of Marksbury Rules.
- John Douglas Porter feels about as disorganized as an Egyptian mummy.
- John Douglas Porter yokos the band.
- John Douglas Porter brandishes the bat'leth-arang... -chuk.
- Other places make your car look clean; we get your car really clean! Auto-Clave!
- John Douglas Porter's walls are built of melonballs.
- John Douglas Porter has a variable ennuity.
- John Douglas Porter self-mendicates
- John Douglas Porter drives the Jalousie Jalopy
- She played me like a matryoshka theremin.
- John Douglas Porter undergoes a sudden zombifurcation.
- The eleventh thing I didn't own was the eleventh thing I couldn't hide.
- Does anybody else here like lapstank douchebong tea?
- John Douglas Porter eschews his food 31 times
- John Douglas Porter is disturbed by the feeling of a phantom lamb
- John Douglas Porter gives himself a pat of butter on the back
- John Douglas Porter still has the first dollar he ever spent.
- John Douglas Porter keeps it on the download
- John Douglas Porter does his civic doody.
- Nihil Obstet
- All of John Douglas Porter's friends are in the Zone of Avoidance.
- Power to the peephole!
- John Douglas Porter gets red-carded in lawn darts.
- John Douglas Porter has gone into rewission
- J'adore fromage avec pain, And music is my aeroplane...
- John Douglas Porter's humor goes right under their heads.
- John Douglas Porter makes a lava lamp out of actual lava.
- I know papayas are a pretty amazing fruit... but I still don't get how the Egyptians could have made paper out of it.
- This golf course is extremely challenging... a true bogey wonderland.
- I'm pretty mechanically minded, but how these old-fashioned clocks work escapes me.
- St!nk
- If I didn't know better, I would have said the name of the Wicked Witch of the West was Ding-Dong.
- Things look bright under the bonky moon.
- Back in college, John Douglas Porter briefly dated a girl they called "12 Stone" Jordan.
- OK, I promise to keep in torch.
- Hanging in the chilling area of the local Hair Choppery, John Douglas Porter consults The Book of Brilliantine Things.
- You should be really careful not to misspell collabortion.
- Once more unto the breeches, dear friends!
- John Douglas Porter has a date with Carmen von Ochsheid.
- The heart is a one stroke engine.
- Just as correlation does not imply causation, simultaneity does not imply correlation.
- John Douglas Porter subscribes to the panspermacetia theory of the origin of life on Earth.
- Looking forward to the turkey trots this year.
- John Douglas Porter plots a daring night-time raid on the pie safe.
- ... And that was the draught of egg nog which proved to be John Douglas Porter's undoing.
- John Douglas Porter puts the loco in loco parentis
- John Douglas Porter is rocking one roly-poly hurdy-gurdy.
- John Douglas Porter hies himself to the rhubarbery
- Of course I believe in equality; horses are graceful, noble creatures.
- The three words that best describe John Douglas Porter are as follows, and I quote: bone; Crohn; drone.
- John Douglas Porter is afraid the Quonset of Alzheimer's is right around the corner
- [It] must be the seasoning of the witch!
- denurtured alcoholic
- One of my favorite things about the holiday season is the Negativity Scenes (sometimes called Crashes).
- Do you ever feel like a third cousin twice removed? I sure do.
- I've got terrible vertigo in my left shoulder.
- I'm going to have to break out a tube of Provocation H.
- John Douglas Porter is a cotton-headed ninnymuggins.
- John Douglas Porter is a bear of very little news.
- They say they got dengue fever in Denver, but I feel certain it was the other way 'round.
- Though I here, I'm really not a where.
- En el internet nadie sabe que eres un pierno. My drunkenness is a mask to hide my facile sobreity, qui est un facade sobre mi saudade, mi libido illucido, mi innocencia senescente.
- John Douglas Porter puts the TNT in AT&T.
- Ugh. Them chicken wangs was so dang hot, I feel like a freakin' balrog.
- There's a time/space tradeoff in the space-time continuum.
- Pro tip: If your attempt to "honor" Black History Month doesn't completely piss off your white-nationalist base, then you're doing it wrong.
- Spem in Allium
- In Trump's case, they should probably be called Executive Ordures.
- I thought it was a majestic sea flap-flap... But it was just you.
- There! Now that that's all sordid...
- John Douglas Porter switches to clean supernatural gas.
- John Douglas Porter always clothes himself in the finest synaesthetic materials.
- John Douglas Porter sometimes posts unanimously.
- John Douglas Porter is deluded to half his original strength.
- John Douglas Porter -- putting the interr in interrogate.
- But you never read me my Carmen Miranda rights!
- Subluxated Lands
- People come out of a crowd at a pop concert to go to the loo through a process of tunneling just like how a radioactively unstable nucleus emits neutrons.
- John Douglas Porter is an ironoclast.
- Wingardium leviosa, honey... Don't you know that I love you...
- It can be hard to discern between John Douglas Porter and Creepy Combover John Douglas Porter.
- John Douglas Porter casts his vote in absinthia
- Prisons are basically monasteries of evil.
- John Douglas Porter was a very precautious child.
- John Douglas Porter keeps his precisors sharp.
- John Douglas Porter makes a concerted effort.
- Terminator 2 has ruined me for beautiful sunny days at the park.
- You are my dentistry
- Meet the twins eye-tentacle.
- Pole vaulteth not itself — I Oly 13:4
- This is the sound of me screaming at the stars
- You and I saw John Douglas Porter swerve in his path, take a course impossible to explain by natural physical laws
- You won't find me in your Book of Hoo-hoos
- The Commode Dragons #bandnames
- John Douglas Porter isn't even worth repairing. Send in Z-X3!
- If anyone needs me, I'll be in the angrydome.
- John Douglas Porter is made out of palm leaves, has been washed in margaritas, and contains actual pieces of coconut.
- John Douglas Porter engages in a pagan futility rite.
- There are twelve trillion tricycles in Berlin. That's a fact. No one can ever say it's true.
- John Douglas Porter is a massive-regressive panic-oppressive
- John Douglas Porter hits the gaga wall with the lava ball.
- John Douglas Porter ran through taverns pleasureless to man
- I think the night has seen my mind, that inside I'm twisted and unkind
- John Douglas Porter drops a High-German bomb
- I'll gladly trade some fire water for some earth air.
- John Douglas Porter. Was. Hanging. Out. To. Dry.
- Gojira jaya jaya / Kabbalah jaya jaya
- John Douglas Porter will be trying out Bevo, trying out Cubebs...
- Unearned Tremaynes
- This is the ordnance which John Douglas Porter ordeigned as Frith-'bot for the whole nation at Woodstock...
- John Douglas Porter prefers his sparkling wine made by the méthode chamoise
- John Douglas Porter was so gallantly screaming
- Windchill whoppers turpentine...
- I'm tired of your worn-out platypudes
- I am authorized to say that the action we are now reporting may well bring John Douglas Porter within measurable distance of his end.
- Just like David Lynch movies, John Douglas Porter's weirdness level has been monotonously increasing.
- You know what can make your feet feel nice in warm weather? Open-toad shoes.
- John Douglas Porter robs Peter to pay the piper.
- Here comes the crackpot question in advance...
- John Douglas Porter puts the gui in guillotine.
- John Douglas Porter schedules an autopsychopsy for a week from Tuesday.
- John Douglas Porter plays second double-barrelled euphorium in Sergeant Billy's Lonely Whiz Bang Band.
- I love lightning and thunder / The thrill of feeling like the world is about to end / And the subsequent disappointment
- The enemy of the enemy of the enemy of the enemy of my enemy is my.... Wait... Um...
- John Douglas Porter is not ashamed to use his fingers when eating wantons.
- John Douglas Porter has yet to read the opening book.
- Not that I ever succeeded in "leaving them laughing when I went"...
- I lost two emms on the ell.
- Shooting stars will commence at sundown. If my demands are not met.
- John Douglas Porter es un borracho barato.
- It wasn't Hawkwind until I said it's Hawkwind; now it's Hawkwind.
- our undoing is our own doing.
- You all are a test, which I have failed. And I am a test, which you all have failed.
- That which frees her won't freeze her.
- We are not in the path of totality.
- And my spaceship thinks I know which way to go
- The future is all but past.
- Yo soy un hombre insincero
- John Douglas Porter leads a subbourbon lifestyle
- John Douglas Porter is caught in a love dodecahedron. (And before anyone asks: Yes, it's a regular, Pythagorean dodecahedron, not a rhombic dodecahedron. Because that would just be weird.)
- Then I flew my Lear jet to Chattanooga
- John Douglas Porter eats a majorino cherry
- John Douglas Porter goes to the bikeshed to eat dogfood
- I will grieve you.
- bonefire of the valkyries, or something
- You can't have a heart without an ache. (At least in English, and most other Germanic languages.)
- Estou no coração do céu.
- Agh burzum ishi creampietool!
- I apologize. I gaslighted myself.
- I'm just a round in search of a revolver.
- Even a stopped calendar is right twice a year.
- The oort cloud drive is starting to squeak. I think it may be time to change the van allen belts.
- They're lying. Tuna cannot melt. Don't ask me how I learned this.
- John Douglas Porter commits the unforgettable sin.
- If baseball has taught me anything, it's that you can't assume you'll be safe at home.
- Please stop calling me "baby" while we're having sex. It's creeping me out.
- John Douglas Porter is too stool for school.
- He would grab some grapes and fling them, two at a time, down the length of the dining hall, yelling "flight of the concords!"
- John Douglas Porter has a case of the Ganges on his left leg.
- searching for an alternative eternity
- John Douglas Porter puts the consommé in the consummation.
- Come along, you god-damned moon; finish the f'ing job.
- it's a beautiful night... crisp breeze rustling the trees, nice fire crackling... a perfect moment for stepping off this miserable rock.
- Well, OK, but... Kitchen Tyakitori doesn't sound Italian to me.
- So many plans, so little plutonium.
- It's not like I've hidden my molotovs under a matryoshka.
- John Douglas Porter puts the lasvegas in the glaswegas
- kutta kolta kauta
- Who says I can't be both a bushman and a hottentot?
- Am I the only one who sees lol and thinks: GOAL!!!
- I wear my heart on my sleeve. Of chainmail.
- Here is my stream of cosmic subconsiousness.
- I am overcome by waves of gravity, as neuron stars collide in my head.
- Yo soy un hombre secreto, no digo nada de mi alma.
- I shouldn't have eaten that sixth pizza.
- dein ist mein schwarzes Herz
- I seem to have caught morgellons from someone at work. I notice it's been going around.
- John Douglas Porter is a jalapeno pauper.
- Homo incompletus est, cuius rei demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi. Hanc carpis exiguitas non caperet.
- Because it's only by extreme force of will that I'm able to be as miserably good as I am.
- John Douglas Porter has cabal internet at home.
- And bleating his last, he gave up the goats.
- In the lustful innocence of our youth, we believed we could have anything we wanted if we worked hard enough for it.
- I have a massive crutch on you.
- Saturday morning -- good time for a little self-disabuse.
- The mind is an amazing place. To visit, I mean. I wouldn't want to live there.
- humuhumunukunukuapua'a in my wine make me happy, make me feel fine
- Tui Lumi Nasel ca Mino
- John Douglas Porter is calling occupants of interplanetary crap.
- Tense silver sexes, abased with a beau
- JOHN P.: That's not too much to ask! NARRATOR: But it was too much to ask.
- j'ai garou de vas...
- I hate being bipolar. It's awesome.
- good night! sweet dreams! as I rick-roll you to sleep...
- John Douglas Porter finds the trophy in atrophy.
- You damn straight, it's fresh! I collected the civet scat this morning!
- currant: müde
- John Douglas Porter sets the controls for the heart of the sunrise.
- counting cigarettes and smoking Captain Kangaroo
- On the ansible came the note: XE-XE FLY NO ANTIDOTE
- John Douglas Porter is just a precog in the gearworks.
- John Douglas Porter , with his corn cob hat and his stove pipe pipe...
- John Douglas Porter's new album, underneath the neanderthal, drops next Sursdai.
- J is for John-Lee, who died of ennui
- (Human shown for scale)
- We are like Nineveh. Let's be like Nineveh.
- Social networking is as easy as riding a bike. Except that bike is on fire. And you're on fire. And everything is on fire. And you're in hell.
- Thank you for your sweet and gentle lovingblindness.
- The call of nurture is read in truth and law
- John Douglas Porter is composed chiefly of ichor and ectoplasm.
- You are truly nastilicious.
- Taking a "mental health day" for depression would be like taking a "physical health day" for hepatitis.
- John Douglas Porter is out on his own reconnaissance.
- TIL: No, you may not bring a can of gasoline on the bus.
- Safety, Thy Name Is Danger
- We shall penetrate into the livingroom of impervious Nature herself!
- All of my exes live in South Orange, New Jersey.
- Now we're cooking with wood! :-D
- dance with them what fuchsia
- John Douglas Porter is possumsouse
- I always strive to provide quality irritainment.
- Be fremdly unto me.
- I just invented a dozen deities, just so that I could take their names in vain.
- Is misery and sadness the price I have to pay for the bliss we enjoyed yesterday?
- I'm in the 666th permillile of men.
- Modern phthnrhaeumaturgy is insanely complicated.
- That's two strikes in your favor.
- Algún día haré un grán éxito.
- John Douglas Porter puts the shiv in chivalry.
- I wish I could face unafraid the plans that I made...
- Apparently, "NASA Scientist" is actually Florida Man.
- more like a Social Justice Worrier
- John Douglas Porter is the deadest piece of ironmongery in the trade.
- I want to know more about this spacecraft we're sending to land on Ultimate Cthulhu.
- Mommy, do we have any cough tarts?
- I know I'm a rich white American male, the most privileged class in the world; and when the revolution comes, I hope I'll be the first up against the wall.
- Is this a rhetorical question?
- 20/20 hindsight is a b*tch.
- I worked so hard to become a maniacal engineer.
- What is the "say something; I'm giving up on you" emoji?
- John Douglas Porter, working for a quarter, trying to get a fish on a line...
- If I learned anything at all as a child, it's that you should always skip the first two and go straight for the third bowl of porridge.
- Obviously a "cubit" was the length of a standard cucumber. Duh.
- She went to town... and then she brought it on home.
- Enter vilification code:
Some one-liners
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